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  • Нижний Новгород
  • http://intelli-vision.com
  • Оказание услуг, IT компании: разработка и сервис

 Security and safety have become very high priority issues in all sectors – Government, Business and Consumer. Over the last several years, millions of video and surveillance systems have been deployed to ensure security. However, all of them rely heavily on manual monitoring where security professionals watch video streams, identify and flag inconsistencies, abnormalities and possible security breaches. This approach suffers from major weaknesses - Security professionals face fatigue and stress from continuous video monitoring, varying competency levels, need for continuous training, and employee turnover make this approach prohibitively expensive and impossible to scale.

 IntelliVision is a leading company in "Intelligent Video Analysis and Automated Monitoring" solutions for security, surveillance and safety markets. Our products have been successfully deployed in the last 4 years at several top customers and partners. Our customers include top airports, US Govt agencies, Fortune 500 and leading system integrators.

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